With the holidays around the corner, this will be the last RED update of 2019! The developers made sure to end strongly though. Here are this week’s updates:

  • The Tableau component now has a new option, “Audience type,” that will allow you to choose your audience according to your your workbook’s dashboard setup. The choices are: Public (Scenario 1), External (Scenario 2), and Internal (Scenario 3). These choices were configured according to the University of Illinois System documentation on Tableau (https://answers.uillinois.edu/74959). If you’re having issues with Tableau embed visibility (e.g. unwanted login pop-up boxes), you may want to revisit the component and select the appropriate audience type.
  • Author urls have been completely disabled. Author indexes (e.g. https://red.uic.edu/author/kokimo1/) are not used by our network, but their urls were generating “soft 404s” that can be a nuisance to analytics and SEO processes. Whereas author urls used to produce “Page Not Found” errors in black header text (soft 404 indicator), they now show “Page Not Found” in red header text (hard url indicator).

If you have any bug reports, or suggestions on how to make RED the best theme it can be, please don’t hesitate to reach out via our webform.

Happy Editing!