Latest Updates to RED (12/11/18)
The Latest Updates to RED 12/11/18 Heading link
The RED team is proud to announce the following updates to the RED theme:
- Calendar Embed Component: You can now embed a Google or Outlook calendar on Default Template pages within RED. After adding a Calendar Embed Component to the content section of a Default Template page, you will be asked to include a title (which can be hidden), as well as which type of calendar (Google or Outlook) you will be pulling to that specific page. After selecting the third party calendar you will be using, you will paste the URL path into the final data-field of the embed component. This URL path, should NOT include the domain name (i.e. but should include the ending of the URL (see the emboldened part of this URL example for what should be included — For more information on attaining your embed URL, for either Google or Outlook, head over to the Highlight Component page and scroll to the bottom. Step by step instructions are listed for both.
- The TablePress Component is now available for use on Landing Page templates.
Our goal is to continue building a better platform for all users within the UIC RED multi-site. Stay tuned for more updates and Happy Editing!
Modified on April 25, 2019