Latest Updates to RED 2/19/19
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Screenshot of profile post authorship dropdown
The RED team is pleased to announce the following updates (2/19/19) available within RED:
- Site Admins are now able to assigned profile posts to specific profile editors! You can search for the profile editor user already on your site (via their UIC NetID) in the author data field of the profile post and select them from the drop-down list. This means that site admins can create the profile posts and later assign them to the proper profile editor user. See screenshot above for exact location of the Author data field.
- Moving forward, the Problem Slug URL will be automatically avoided when creating new pages. RED will generate a permalink that does not conflict with the post type slugs (such as “/research/” and instead create a permalink of something like “/research-1/”). For more information on Problem Slugs see here.
- Within the Firefox browser, the search bar was translucent and presenting “ghost text” of the Eyebrow Menu links when a person typed in the search bar. This design issue has been resolved.
- Duplicate Page/Post plugin activated network wide. You can now duplicate a page or post (news, events, research project, profile) from the overview screen. This will create and save a draft of the duplicate, creating a permalink that is “/pagename-2“. Please be advised: if you are duplicating the same page more than once, it will stay as “-2” for the slug of each page/post still in draft form. Yet, once you publish the post/page, it will change to “-3”, “-4”, etc. – thus preventing conflict. Also, don’t forget that you can always change the permalink/slug to whatever you want as well.
As always, we are striving to make the RED theme more conducive to user interaction, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us with bugs/requests.
Happy editing!
Modified on April 25, 2019