“More” links added to News and Events components
The three highlight components used to add snippets of news, events, or both -- Highlight News, Highlight Events and Highlight News & Events -- are updated to include the ability to add links to a list page on your site. See examples and details below.
How to create the "more" links Heading link

As shown in the image of the authoring side of Red for the Highlight News component, in addition to the Title, ability to select from recent, categories or curated items, users may now add a link to an internal page listing more posts. You can customize the text of the link and select from any existing, published page on your website.
If your highlight listing is from a category, you can link to more posts in that category or choose to link to all posts.
Example of News & Events component Heading link

In the News & Events highlight, each column has a customizable link.