New RED Feature: Custom Thumbnail Images for News Posts
Customized Thumbnail Feature within RED News Posts Heading link

UIC Digital Communications is pleased to announce a new feature within News Posts: the ability to upload a custom thumbnail image for any particular news post.
We know that RED sometimes doesn’t crop the main image of an individual News Post in the most desirable way for the post’s automatically generated thumbnail. So, we’ve gone ahead and created an option for you to upload a custom and separate thumbnail image – one that is either cropped to your desired position OR an image completely different than the main image of the news post. With this new feature, you can be certain that the thumbnail image on the News Post overview will appear as you want it to.
The custom thumbnail image will appear in both News Listing Pages as well as any Highlight Components you’ve dedicated for News. By selecting the check box (see image on the right) within the authorial Intro Text area of a News Post creation/edit, the option to upload a thumbnail image will appear. From there, you can upload the properly cropped (or entirely different) image designated specifically for the News Post’s thumbnail.
The recommended pixel dimensions for the Custom Thumbnail are as follows:
Width: 550 pixels
Height: 300 pixels
Happy Editing!