News & Updates

Directory Listing Filters Update

As of the 9/24 Red update, pages using the Directory template will display profiles using the conjunction “AND” instead of “OR.” This feature was not working as intended and required this change. The…

Removing unfiltered HTML and scripts

On October 22, during our regularly scheduled Red update, we will enable a function in Red to address user-added scripts and unfiltered HTML issues on websites. As is noted in the Red Theme…

Latest Update to RED 9/24/19

updated text contact form on, increased upload image size to 15MB, notification post date fix

Latest Update to RED 9/10/19

slideshow button of firefox fixed, sidebar menu overlapping design resolved, help text updated for social media components

Update to RED 8/27/19

fixed link list icon bug, link list category titles now linkable/clickable

Latest RED Update 8/20/19

category link list icons, calendar embed hide title, countdown post animation bug squashed, FAQ update.