Added additional capabilities to the Pride Point component, RSS feeds can be incorporated into Highlight News and/or Event component, and a new Homepage call to action link design was implemented.
Profile editors can edit profile post permalink slugs, new graphical icons for Call to Action links, and fixed an issue with the custom post's Twitter share button.
Profile post enhancements, LinkedIn footer button highlights, Highlight News component's thumbnail images are clickable, hyperlinks are underlined in At A Glance and Table components, and the spacing has been increased in Highlight components.
Site admins can assign authorship of profile posts to profile editors, problem slug url fix, Firefox's ghost text in eyebrow menu resolved, and users can now duplicate pages.
Titles are now showing up for Accordion component and duplicate copy is no longer appearing within the At A Glance and Advanced Component Wrapper components.
Email addresses and phone numbers are clickable, users can set a display count for Highlight components, and the profile post image recommendation size has changed.