The Red WordPress Multisite update to PHP 7.2 is now complete, as well as structural changes to the codebase to bring all of our code and process in-house. You may resume content management,…
ACCC and Digital Communications are planning to upgrade the version of PHP used on the Red WordPress multisite service. We strongly recommend not saving any pages or uploading anything to your Red site between…
Line breaks/returns properly showing in Profile posts, title appearing for Multi-Column component, custom thumbnail images are properly sized, styling issue with GDPR banner resolved, and all available taxonomies are showing up on the Directory page.
RED Network GDPR compliant, pagination for News/Events/Directory page templates, new taxonomy grouping for Profile posts, Oasis Workflow plugin, and Nested Pages plugin.
Titles are now properly working for Tablepress, Accordion, and Tab Group components. The Highlight Contact Google Map is now working and the internal search icon (magnifying glass) is now appearing on Internet Explorer.
Google maps included in either the Text block w/ Maps or the Highlight Contact components are not appearing at this time. This is due to a change by Google related to Google Maps…